One of Australia’s leading pest control and hygiene companies wanted Buyers / Sellers / Agents to meet online, search for their targeted properties and purchase electronic reports for already inspected properties. Additionally they could also request for inspection of their property under various available schemes.
We developed this advanced property look up application where users can search for properties by their full or partial address, country, state, zip code, locality name, street name etc. to visually locate their intended property and then can buy reports, if available. If there are no reports of that property, then they can make a request to inspect that property and get a report. To keep legal evidence of acceptance of terms and conditions, the system records user IP address and timestamp along with the order.
IIS, Google analytics, ViewReport, jquery, API(Google Font, Google map, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PayPal, CKEditor, AngularJS, Ionic, PHP, JAVA, Laravel, braintree, SQL Server, Active Directory